- 能歌善舞,挥鞭驯兽,勾魂摄魄,谈笑间俘获裙下臣无数,Mae West——she is the dame!2022-04-09
- 作为梅·韦斯特最杰出的一部作品,影片注重表现她的身姿与歌喉,由她参与编写的台词也贡献了许多金句,如“找到他们,愚弄他们,忘记他们”。片中有许多性别地位的反转宣示:用不同的动物摆件指代许多男人,女主角用枪和鞭子驯狮。梅·韦斯特的霸气无人可以否认,她塑造了独具特色且颇受欢迎的银幕形象。2022-04-09
- Tira (Mae West) shimmies and sings in the sideshow of Big Bill Barton's Wonder Show while her current boyfriend pickpocket Slick (Ralf Harolde) relieves her distracted audience of their valuables for Big Bill (Edward Arnold). One of the rich customers Ernest Brown arranges a private rendezvous during which Slick barges in and attempts to run a badger game on the custome...2022-04-09
- mae太帅了2022-04-09
- 女主太带感了!when I’m good I’m good when I’m bad I’m even better.2022-04-09