- While a world war rages Philippe a draft-dodger from Quebec takes refuge in the American West surviving by competing in Charlie Chaplin impersonation contests. As Philippe makes his long journey home he encounters various characters under the sway of a destructive madness borne of the chaotic times. His voyage both violent and fascinating is a hallucinatory initiation to...2022-08-04
- Mubi. 很像在看俄国的风景油画,加拿大还是有很多好看的自然风光的。莎拉加顿在黑暗里的微笑简直不寒而栗,看完决定去看她今年新作《我微不足道的悲伤》。我很喜欢这部电影,可能因为大部分时候,都是主角一个人和风景吧。朝着山里走去的迷失系列2022-08-04
- 舞台剧,看不懂2022-08-04
- 凑合,不懂历史会想睡。2022-08-04
- 怪就怪自己没睡好,中途走神严重,总模模糊糊感觉是三段式,看完已经想不起来第二段说的是啥了。2022-08-04