绝代香妃(港)A Life of Her Own
- 状态:高清版
- 发行日期:1950
- 地区:美国
- 主演:拉娜·特纳 雷·米兰德
- 导演:George Cukor
- 类别:剧情

小镇堪萨斯女孩| 莉莉詹姆斯| 是为纽约市的Thomas Callaway Agency工作的最新型号。 尽管她的小镇根| 莉莉是街头的
因为她坚韧的成长经验| 因此她是一个好的性格判断。 她相信她可以通过专业成功逃避她的烦恼。
因为她的勤奋伦理| 她很快就上升到了她的职业。 她吸引了史蒂夫·哈利的注意 一个富有的铜矿业主。
尽管他们都知道他们之间没有什么可以碰到的 他们相爱了。 问题是,他在蒙大拿州生活和工作| 并且他已经结婚了。
史蒂夫认为他的婚姻不忠的妻子| Nora | 是身体残疾的车祸,他是他的原因。 莉莉必须决定是否她
自己的幸福是值得摧毁一个女人的生活 - 一个无效 - 她从来没有遇到过。
Small town Kansas girl| Lily James| is the latest model working for the Thomas Callaway Agency in New York City. Despite her small town roots| Lily is street-wise
because of her tough growing up experiences| and as such she is a good judge of character. She believes she can escape her troubles through professional success.Because of her hard work ethic| she quickly does rise to the top of her profession. She attracts the attention of Steve Harleigh| a wealthy copper mine owner.
Despite they both knowing that nothing can come between them| they fall in love. The issues are that he lives and works in Montana| and that he is already married.
Steve feels guilty about his marital infidelity as his wife| Nora| is physically disabled from a car accident in which he was the cause. Lily has to decide if her
own happiness is worth destroying the life of a woman - an invalid - she's never met.