- 嬉皮士电影,鲜明时代表征。女神苏珊萨兰登的处女作银幕首秀,虽显青涩,小身板大眼睛爱了爱了。 最后一枪打破和解,答案无解。歌曲都挺好。 Hey Joe.2022-06-08
- 这不就是:毒没害死人,杀毒死一片,有钱人自得其乐么?50年后很熟悉啊2022-06-08
- 3.5 stars. 很有趣的剧本,70年代的“反美国梦”都透露着迷幻的癫狂2022-06-08
- 在欲望和现实之间,选择了欲望2022-06-08
- Bill a wealthy businessman confronts his junkie daughter's drug-dealing boyfriend; in the ensuing argument Bill kills him. Panic-stricken he wanders the streets and eventually stops at a bar. There he runs into a drunken factory worker named Joe who hates hippies blacks and anyone who is different and would like to kill one himself. The two start talking and Bill rev...2022-06-08