'Human Voice' is based on Jean Cocteau's iconic one woman play of the same name. Set against the backdrop of Naples, Italy, in 1950, this romantic drama tells the story of Angela, (played by Sophia Loren), a woman in the twilight of her years who rides the emotional roller coaster of her last telephone conversation with the man she loves as he is leaving her for another woman.
Till human voices wake us we drown. 这是一个爱情片的季节。回忆中他们永远着蓝衣。 空屋长运动镜最终落在镜中小小主角那刻和片尾唯一一次动餐具停下的那刻真令人心碎。 标准频道的翻译有问题。主角永远礼貌地说“女士”,却多有译为“女人”
I was watching her break into pieces for the long-lost love and bygone days.
Sometimes I just want to hear your voice but the truth hits me like tons of bricks.
And the per mamma at the end is...