- 状态:高清版
- 发行日期:2016
- 地区:美国
- 主演:CJ Wostal Kevin Machate Josh Pack
- 导演:Kevin Cook Todd Rodgers
- 类别:喜剧

大企业的时代就在我们身上。对于大多数,这提供了一个更美好的未来的承诺。对于一些人来说,它标志着一个时代的结束。在为社区的印刷需求服务16年之后,Copycat将关闭门。在商店的最后一天,商店经理,Sam,在一个疯狂和不可预测的日子领导他的船员。工作人员,包括院长“懒鬼”,萨拉“缓慢的机智”,鲍勃“卡拉OK冠军”和德克斯特“书呆子”将招待一个有趣的客户。在这最后一天,他们将遇到两个想要的说唱歌手,他们有一个不幸的经验与纹身艺术家,一对地方名人美洲狮在徘徊,从“维纳小屋”的女服务员有一个大秘密,和一个值得挑战者鲍勃的卡拉OK冠。我们还会遇到一个“小小的”骑自行车的人,一个有着奇怪照片集的人和一个西班牙人,似乎不能传达他的需要。 Lyssa,复印机技术,将把这一天放在中心的混乱,因为她打破了...
The age of big business is upon us. For most, this provides the promise of a better future. For some, it marks the end of an era. After 16 years of servicing the printing needs of the community, Copycat will be closing its doors. On the final day of business the store manager, Sam, leads his crew on a crazy and unpredictable day. The staff, consisting of Dean "the slacker", Sara "the slow-witted", Bob "the karaoke champ" and Dexter "the nerd" will entertain a cast of interesting customers. During this final day they will encounter two wanna-be rappers that have had an unfortunate experience with a tattoo artist, a pair of local celebrity Cougars on the prowl, a waitress from "The Wiener Shack" who has a big secret, and a worthy challenger to Bob's karaoke crown. We will also meet a "tiny" biker, a man with a bizarre photo collection and a Hispanic man who just can't seem to convey his needs. Lyssa, the copier tech, will spend the day in the center of the mayhem as she breaks down the ...