- 二战时期美国因为要和苏联结盟拍的政治宣传片,SLTR课布置的,就当史料看吧2022-06-08
- pure propaganda fascinating and at times hilarious2022-06-08
- Mission to Moscow was made at the behest of F.D.R. in order to garner more support for the Soviet Union during WWII. It was from the book by Joseph E. Davies former U.S. Ambassador To Russia. The movie covers the political machinations in Moscow just before the start of the war and presents Stalin's Russia in a very favorable light. So much so that the movie was cited years l...2022-06-08
- 今天回过头再去看 可太有意思了 托洛茨基竟是卖国贼 中国大使讲中文一句也听不懂 一位Old Money不忘初心地向其他Old Money为苏联背书的故事 这部电影是好莱坞与美国政府联合拍摄 罗斯福亲自过问 根据罗斯福派往苏联的大使的回忆录改编2022-06-08