Young people use music to express their new awareness of life and generational opposition to their parents, as well as to protest the social and political climate in East Germany. In this road movie, the director talks with fans and members of various bands to document parts of the East German music scene of the late 1980s. The film introduces bands such as Silly, Chicorée, Sandow and Feeling B (now Rammstein guitarist Paul Landers and keyboardist Christian Flake Lorenz).
Young people use music to express their new awareness of life and generational opposition to their parents as well as to protest the social and political climate in East Germany. In this road movie the director talks with fans and members of various bands to document parts of the East German music scene of the late 1980s. The film introduces bands such as Silly Chicorée San...
72/100 @ Visions du Réel no.3 《Outcry and Whisper 呼叫与耳语》by Wen Hai Zeng Jinyan. 为正在抵抗中的那些作为工人、行为艺术家、知识分子的女性进行zz宣言,记录和关注之外,制作了加起来大概十分钟的“血汗工厂、权力和社会大厦”的过场动画片段。