The film is a wide-ranging, definitive look at Hawk’s life and iconic career, and his relationship with the sport with which he’s been synonymous for decades. Hawk, born in San Diego, Calif., is a pioneer of modern vertical skating and one of the most influential skateboarders of all time. The documentary will feature unprecedented access, never-before-seen footage, and interviews with Hawk, and prominent figures in the sport including Stacy Peralta, Rodney Mullen, Mike McGill, Lance Mountain, Steve Caballero, Neil Blender, Andy MacDonald, Duane Peters, Sean Mortimer, and Christian Hosoi.
没想到会这么好看!!! 年少成名 又不断鞭策自己不要成为一个没有感情的滑板机器 真的不易 It’s lonely at the top. 看到Del Mar 和家门口的Upland这些熟悉的名字 真的亲切. 没想到是ESPN的X Games的兴起拯救了滑板这项运动 也没想到Tony Hawk在世界各地兴建滑板公园让更多的人有机会接触这项运动 想想跟老王在Oahu一起打假Apple Maps上位置标...
I dont often get inspired watching things on TV but when I watched Tony Hawks quest to do the 900 trick I felt inspired even though it had nothing to do with my life. 本来以为滑板是个年轻人的运动,看了这个才知道这个运动...
Mullen 说话真的让人非常不适,神态表情,鸡皮疙瘩一身,滑板鸡汤第一人。
Tony Hawk 是被时代拣选的,正确的时间踩在了正确的位置,当然,个人的天赋和努力是基础。
最打动我的是 Duane 讲述自己嗓子后一次 X Games 上与 Tony Hawk 相遇的经历,此前 Tony Hawk 父亲去世时他说过一些混话(Tony 的父亲自幼有些保护过度),但这次相遇 Tony 非常关切而诚恳的...