- 查尔斯劳顿神演技!!!2022-06-15
- 3.2 將倫伯朗過於神化了吧,很強烈的想要表現出他的個性,卻有點敗在這上面。2022-06-15
- 现在已经不太能适应这种老式的剧本和拍摄手法了,人物声音和背景音乐都过于抓马2022-06-15
- 虽然是mainstream romantic cinema 把伦勃朗的严肃、悲剧性呈现得特别好。现在的“浪漫电影”既很少有这么纯粹浪漫,也没有相应的思想深度。台词精致戏剧化,很有英国的诙谐风趣,但是看完还是想哭,特别是他最后一次进商店买颜料那段。Charles Laughton演得太好了。2022-06-15
- This character study joins the painter at the height of his fame in 1642 when his adored wife suddenly dies and his work takes a dark sardonic turn that offends his patrons. By 1656 he is bankrupt but consoles himself with the company of pretty maid Hendrickje whom he's unable to marry. Their relationship brings ostracism but also some measure of happiness. The final scenes...2022-06-15