I am Comic
- 状态:
- 发行日期:2010
- 地区:美国
- 主演:Ritch Shydner Tim Allen Sarah Silverman
- 导演:Jordan Brady
- 类别:纪录片

这首讽刺的纪录片我AM COMIC跟随Ritch Shydner,一个退休的喜剧演员,决定在13年的缺席后返回舞台。 在80年代,Shydner喜欢HBO的特色和频繁的深夜出现,但今天的观众仍然关心他的喜剧? 通过前所未有的后台访问和坦率地访谈美国的一些最受欢迎的立场(从莎拉西尔弗曼到路易斯克到玛格丽特到吉姆加菲根),我AM COMIC探索为什么表演者选择进入和留在这个有趣的职业。
The riotous documentary I AM COMIC follows Ritch Shydner, a retired comedian who decides to return to the stage after a 13-year absence. In the ’80s, Shydner enjoyed HBO specials and frequent late-night appearances, but will today’s audiences still care about his comedy? Through unprecedented backstage access and candid interviews with some of America’s best-loved stand-ups (from Sarah Silverman to Louis CK to Margaret Cho to Jim Gaffigan), I AM COMIC explores why performers choose to enter — and stay in — this funny profession.