Love Thy Neighbor
- 状态:高清版
- 发行日期:2002
- 地区:美国
- 主演:
- 导演:Nick Gregory
- 类别:剧情,悬疑,惊悚

一个抢劫受害者移居到一个门控社区,为了安慰和安心 - 只发现她最黑暗的恐惧实现 - 在这个终身制造的惊悚片。 Baywatch的Alexandra保罗明星为Laura Benson | 一个女人从悲痛中恢复| 仍未解决的攻击企图。 经受创伤性闪回,吓唬她的丈夫和十几岁的女儿| 她移动到上级| 24小时保安附近。 但在他们的小城郊的门口 一些不祥的潜伏:一个chipper butdemanding的隔壁邻居(香农劳森)。 劳拉首先怀疑什么| 但是当她的女儿开始在学校受到骚扰和奇怪的旅行开始在她守卫的房子| 她不知道这些散居的罪犯是否还在折磨她,或者是否是更靠近家的人。
A robbery victim moves to a gated community for solace and peace of mind -- only to find her darkest fears realized -- in this made-for-Lifetime thriller. Baywatch'sAlexandra Paul stars as Laura Benson| a woman recovering from a harrowing| still-unsolved assault attempt. Prone to traumatic flashbacks that frighten her husbandand teenage daughter| she moves to an upper-class| 24-hour-security neighborhood. But behind the gates of their tony suburb| something ominous lurks: a chipper butdemanding next-door neighbor (Shannon Lawson). Laura suspects nothing at first| but when her daughter starts being harassed at school and strange goings-on beginhappening around her guarded house| she's not sure whether the loose criminals are still tormenting her or if it is someone even closer to home.