15岁的Alejandro Duran,他来自一个宗教的拉丁裔家庭,渴望有一天成为一个天主教神父。但当亚历克斯发现了一个神秘的盒子,他无意中释放了恶魔的精神,一心想拥有他。亚历克斯必须找到一种方法来战胜这个古老的恶魔,被折磨的孩子自人类出现以来,在破坏他和他爱的人。表面上,魔鬼的低语是一部关于恶魔拥有的超自然恐怖电影,但它的核心是一部关于压抑的记忆、童年创伤和虐待循环的心理惊悚片。
15 year-old Alejandro Duran, who comes from a religious Latino family, aspires to one day be a Catholic priest. But when Alex discovers a mysterious box he unwittingly unleashes a demonic spirit bent on possessing him. Alex must find a way to defeat this ancient demon, which has been tormenting children since the dawn of man, before it destroys him and everyone he loves. On the surface Devil's Whisper is a supernatural horror film about demonic possession but at its core it's a psychological thriller about repressed memories, childhood trauma and the cycle of abuse.