- 状态:高清版
- 发行日期:2012
- 地区:英国
- 主演:Jonathan Hansler Andrea Gordon Nicola Posener
- 导演:Ryan L. Driscoll
- 类别:惊悚,恐怖

与世界金融风暴| 库尔特·温德尔失去了他在城市的最高工作,但不能告诉他的家人这可怕的真相。 幸运的是,他是一个男人知道如何严重削减...给他的孩子一天下班和他的妻子一天下班| 库尔特驱使整个家庭到一个遥远的地方| 英里文明。 他们知道他们在商店里有什么...他们最后一点商业| 一个最终的项目是阴险和致命的| 涉及他的妻子|他的孩子| 和被殴打的人被困在阁楼...这不仅是科特·温德尔得到AXED | 作为他的前老板和他恐惧的家庭找出| 逐个。
With the world in financial turmoil| Kurt Wendell has lost his top job in the city but cannot bear to tell his family the dreadful truth. Luckily he's a man who
knows how to make serious cutbacks... Granting his children a day off school and his wife a day off work| Kurt drives the whole family to a remote spot| miles from
civilization. Little do they know what he has in store for them... One last bit of business| a final project that is both sinister and deadly| involving his wife|
his children| and the savagely beaten man trapped in the attic... It's not only Kurt Wendell that's getting AXED| as his ex-boss and his horrified family are about
to find out| one by one.