- 状态:高清版
- 发行日期:2015
- 地区:美国
- 主演:Len Kabasinski 贾思敏·圣克莱尔 Dave Campbell Deborah Dutch Tim O'Hearn Donna Hamblin
- 导演:Len Kabasinski
- 类别:动作,惊悚,恐怖

瑞秋|女老兵回家才推出她的个人恩怨打击黑社会当一个家庭成员莫名其妙的挂掉了。该黑社会主销以铁腕统治和那些低于她都吓坏了,当她的名字甚至提及。为了获得更接近密室|雷切尔发生在“天使”在流行的夜总会去去舞蹈家的身份。作为“天使”得知组织详细信息|她开始她的精确打击报复有人认为她负责她的家庭成员的死亡。然而|侦探热在天使的足迹,他调查了毁灭和亡留在她的唤醒。后一名女子宣称对战争毒贩带|色情|与犯罪头目|将复仇高于一切规则?“热作用,!阴谋。“ - 美国媒体网络”杰西卡Kabasinski奇石这部电影“ - 极端的DVD。”令人振奋。|娱乐性和乐趣。“ - 真棒弹匣。
Rachel, a female war veteran returns home only to launch her own personal vendetta against the criminal underworld when a family member mysteriously dies. The underworld kingpin rules with an iron fist and those below her are terrified when her name is even mentioned. In order to get closer to the inner sanctum, Rachel takes on the identity of "Angel" a go-go dancer at a popular nightclub. As "Angel" learns details about the organization, she begins to exact her revenge against anyone she deems responsible for her family member's death. However, a detective is hot on Angel's trail as he investigates the death and destruction left in her wake. After one woman proclaims war against a band of drug dealers, pornographers, and criminal kingpins, will vengeance rule above all else? "Hot action and intrigue!" - United Media Network. "Jessica Kabasinski rocks this film." - Extreme DVD. "Exhilarating, entertaining and fun." - Awesome Mag.