- 南法风景2023-04-11
- 艺术家party是高光2023-04-11
- 两集看起来,是属于能看的。。2023-04-11
- 主创期望通过另种截然不同的风格来切入已被讲到厌倦的“二战”题材,这里没有血肉横飞的暴力场面,也不是那种游走在各种险境之间的极限求生。很多很多的浪漫纠葛,畅想不同心怀艺术理想之人共居一处;只能说思路和方法都太接近Ryan Murphy去处理《好莱坞》了,不是不可以,但就是有种莫名的“怪”——尤其考虑到《离经叛道》后,哪怕就是粘贴复制估计都是又部无悬念的佳作。 太过干净、明亮的镜头与设置让剧集几乎没有...2023-04-11
- In 1940 Varian Fry traveled to Marseille carrying three thousand dollars and a list of imperiled artists and writers he hoped to help escape within a few weeks. Instead he stayed more than a year working to procure false documents amass emergency funds and arrange journeys across Spain and Portugal where the refugees would embark for safer ports. His many clients included...2023-04-11