- 啃生肉但还是看懂了差不多。简单来说还是在性别上做出观念拓展,整个故事还挺比较甜的。2022-07-04
- 总体是部温馨的电影,适合放松的适合观看,当成一个有趣的“奇幻”故事不用去想太多的话这部电影还是挺有趣的。算一个加长版奇幻心旅?2022-07-04
- 设定蛮有意思,故事也可爱,只是想表达的核心观点我并不赞同hhh2022-07-04
- 这让我想起有种性别是叫流动性性别,就是在不同场合会表现出不一样的性别的人,但这里面是不能随心所欲的控制自己的性别和外貌,说实话,要我去面对这样的伴侣我真的很难做到,而且男主的接受能力也太强太快了8,其实就是映射LGBT群体吧,我认为2022-07-04
- Peter is approaching 30 and still trying to navigate modern online dating culture. After a whimsical romantic evening with a mysterious young woman ends with him waking up alone Peter tries to put the night behind him by turning to a mythically effective dating site guaranteed to find his perfect match. But with each date from the site Peter notices strange similarities betw...2022-07-04