Charles meets Laura in the the government office where they both work and is instantly smitten. Unfortunately, Laura is not completely unattached but merely separated from her husband. Charles optimistically pursues a relationship with her - an endeavor made more difficult by his exasperating roommate, Sam, and his somewhat daft mother, Clara. Charles and Laura fall in love nevertheless, but struggle with their friends and family.
与其说所谓“爱情”之病态,infatuation似乎更贴切。或者该问两者到底有何区别。love is loyalty and sacrifice 而所谓当代爱情(说实话我真的不清楚这个词究竟代表了什么)似乎就只是跌入短暂的head over heels状态,接着为重现这transient moment而进行痛苦且终会被证明徒劳的尝试,像帮助挨过漫长被大雪覆盖的chilly winter的伏特加,w...