- 状态:
- 发行日期:2016
- 地区:英国
- 主演:玛丽·比尔德
- 导演:Ian A Hunt
- 类别:纪录片,历史

玛丽·比尔德 - 庞贝古城的世界庞贝专家和作家:生命中的罗马城 - 为他们带来最新的技术来解决这个最不寻常的考古遗址将加入一个国际团队。
在其他地方,纪录片将按照恢复损坏的壁画和马赛克,挖掘和某些关键建筑物的重建和组织以及数以千计的库房惊人的文物编目工作 - 从面包到宠物猴子,油漆罐,以皮包。它将照耀谁正在探索从未被发掘镇的第三个考古工作的光,将出席完整的庞贝城独特的先看看惊艳CGI。
Professor Mary Beard, renowned classicist and TV historian, is to explore what life was like in one of the world’s most extraordinary and iconic archaeological sites, in Pompeii: Life Before Death, a new landmark programme for BBC One.
Mary Beard – a world Pompeii expert and author of Pompeii: Life Of A Roman Town – will be joining an international team as they bring the very latest technology to bear on this most extraordinary of archaeological sites.
Mary Beard says: “This is a really exciting chance to find out more about the ordinary people who lived in ancient Pompeii. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm hoping we're going to unlock some if the secrets about who the people were.”
For the first time, a team is CT scanning and fully investigating the world-famous casts of the bodies to analyse the skeletons trapped within, to ascertain all they can about who they were, where they came from and how they lived. A team is also conducting DNA analysis of the bodies for the first time.
Elsewhere, the documentary will follow the work of recovering damaged frescoes and mosaics, the excavation and rebuilding of certain key buildings and the organisation and cataloguing of the thousands of astonishing artefacts in the storerooms – from loaves of bread to pet monkeys, paint pots to purses. It will shine a light on the work of archaeologists who are exploring the third of the town that has never been excavated, and will present a unique first look at the complete Pompeii in stunning CGI.
Using the evidence gleaned from all this research, the BBC One film will piece together a full picture of daily life in Pompeii before the town was destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in AD79.