Range FeudThe Range Feud
- 状态:高清版
- 发行日期:1931
- 地区:美国
- 主演:Buck Jones John Wayne
- 导演:D. Ross Lederman
- 类别:
'Dad' Turner accuses John Walton of cattle rustling. Intervention by Sheriff Buck Gordon prevents a clash, but Walton serves notice he will shoot on sight the first Turner man who crosses to his side of the boundary. Buck remembers that his pal, Clint Turner is visiting Clint's sweetheart, Judy Walton, and he heads for the Walton ranch, where he finds John Walton dead and Walton's men accusing Clint of the crime. Buck is forced to arrest Clint and a hasty trial convicts him and he is sentenced to hang. But Buck's investigations bring forth a series of surprising developments. At the eleventh hour he saves Clint from the gallows, and pins the murder and rustling on Vandall.