- Respected liberal Senator Joe Tynan is asked to lead the opposition to a Supreme Court appointment. It means losing an old friend and fudging principles to make the necessary deals as well as further straining his already part-time family life. But it could be a big boost to his career so he takes it on. Helping him prepare the case is pretty southern researcher Karen Traynor...2022-04-15
- 看的西班牙语版本2022-04-15
- 三星都给梅姨的美貌2022-04-15
- 6.1 / 花20块钱重金从补片大师伊万那儿买下外挂中字和片源;只可惜找到的版本有烦死人的西语配音,不过也算是能找到的版本中的最佳画质了。Anyway,梅梅在此片中简直美成仙女了啊٩(๑′∽`๑)۶!!!!发型多丽!!!眼神迷人!!! 一颦一笑都是魅惑♡( ˃᷄∪˂᷅ ) !!!剧情虽然平庸但是为了我梅的美必须加一星!!!而且原来从这时开始就已经热衷于拍有探讨性的婚外情了。2022-04-15
- 1016 bad day! 前Rencontre avec Alfonso Cuarón2022-04-15