Schrader has spoken of Light Sleeper as the final panel in a triptych of films about male loners which also includes Taxi Driver and American Gigolo. Featuring one of Schrader's tautest and most effective screenplays, Light Sleeper tells the story of a New York City drug runner grappling with a midlife crisis and framed for a drug-related murder. Schrader's return to the mean streets of Manhattan is notably melancholic, suffused with an aura of regret and longing that adds nuance to all of its characters. Willem Dafoe offers a poignant and powerful rendering of the dealer’s moving struggle to reassemble his life and reconnect with a lost love.
感觉施拉德时不时的就会回到出租汽车司机的坑里。。。不知为何看电影的过程中老把威廉.达福想成是威德马克,把萨兰登当成是贝蒂.戴维斯。。。这两人一起吃饭的一场戏,达福也引用了卡萨布兰卡里的一句台词,“we well always have Paris.”。
其实我也想过做点什么把自己丢进去。里面没有想象的那么糟糕,说实话,里面比外面简单多了。也算是一种解脱,从全身心的投入到若即若离再到彻底的脱离,这个过程蛮痛苦的。义气这种东西总是特别能打动我,无论是女还是男,好像是在看一场哥哥和红姑的电影。还有那句台词,we came together we’re leaving together