American Hangman is a thriller built around a relentlessly ticking clock and a rapidly approaching deadline and verdict. A kidnapping, broadcast live on social media, turns into the trial of a judge who presided over a botched criminal case. This time, however, the audience gets to play judge and jury, deciding if the judge himself gets to live or die.
优点:构思不错,这样的故事设计非常适合探讨司法体制的问题。影片名字取得非常点题,本站这翻译不对,应该翻译成“美国刽子手”或”美国行刑者”。缺点:节奏过于平淡,开头简直拖沓的让人想睡觉。打了那么久嘴炮却还是游离在表面,没有一针见血戳到本源。片中一度提出了关于死刑的根本问题,“A power really doesnt belong to them.The power to give or take ...