- 状态:高清版
- 发行日期:2012
- 地区:美国,加拿大
- 主演:Jean-Luc Bilodeau Lindsey Shaw Kaitlyn Leeb
- 导演:Rick Bota
- 类别:惊悚

十六岁的梅利莎·肯尼迪已经失踪了将近三个月,而里德盖尔镇正在来临。 投影主义在老复兴电影院| 西尔维娅·波特(16)想要如此地爱上。 就像在电影里。 但是,任何一个人能否达到她理想的领导者? 即使是她最好的朋友Harry'sun对她的爱(从五年级开始)从来没有得到回报。 当性感| 安静| 富有的孩子| 卢卡斯绿色转移到汉普顿准备火花飞。 卢卡斯和西尔维亚的初始仇恨迅速成为一个热烈的浪漫 - 尽管几乎每个朋友在她的圈子的警告。 但是,当警察开始调查卢卡斯参与梅利莎·肯尼迪案时,看起来像一部爱情故事的电影剧情发生了重大的变化。 梅利莎·肯尼迪真的发生了什么事,卢卡斯和西尔维亚的关系持续了多久,面对一个威胁,永远改变这些青少年的生活的谜?
Sixteen-year-old Melissa Kennedy's been missing for almost 3 months now and the Town of Ridgedale is coming unhinged. The projectionist at the old revival moviehouse| Sylvia Potter (16) wants so badly to be in love. Just like in the movies. But can any guy live up to her ideal leading man? Even her best friend Harry'sunrequited love for her (since fifth grade) has never been reciprocated. When sexy| quiet| rich kid| Lucas Green transfers to Hampton Prep the sparks fly. Lucas andSylvia's initial animosity quickly becomes a heated romance - despite the warnings of almost every friend in her circle. But what seems like a love story straightout of the movies hits a major plot twist when the police begin an investigation into Lucas' involvement in the Melissa Kennedy case. What really happened to MelissaKennedy and how long can Lucas and Sylvia's relationship last in the face of a mystery that threatens to change the lives of these teenagers forever?