American Mummy
- 状态:高清版
- 发行日期:2014
- 地区:美国
- 主演:Aidan Bristow Esther Canata
- 导演:Charles Pinion
- 类别:恐怖
新墨西哥沙漠的一群大学生发现了一个古老的木乃伊 其中一个学生执行秘密| 原始血液仪式 这唤醒了阿兹特克人Tezcalipoca的死亡饥渴精神 意图完成他几百年的恐怖统治。不久| 木乃伊的诅咒拥有学生的灵魂|使他们相互对抗,以将邪恶传播到整个世界。
A group of university students in the New Mexico desert unearth an ancient mummy| on which one of the students performs a secret| primeval blood ritual. This awakensthe death-hungry spirit of the Aztec Lord Tezcalipoca| intent on finishing his centuries-old reign of terror. Soon| the mummy's curse possesses the students' souls|turning them against each other in a bid to spread his evil to the entire world.