- 状态:高清版
- 发行日期:2014
- 地区:西班牙,罗马尼亚,瑞典,土耳其,印度
- 主演:Juan Diego Linda Molin Javier Pereira Clara Vodă
- 导演:Chema Rodríguez
- 类别:剧情,爱情
印度的夜幕降临讲述了里卡多(Juan Diego)和达娜(Clara Voda)的故事。 里卡多决定像以往一样,陆路旅行到印度,当时他带着面包车将嬉皮士带到东方,穿越欧洲,土耳其,伊朗和巴基斯坦。 但是现在情况已经大不一样了。 里卡多坐在轮椅上已经十年了,现在正处于退行性疾病的最后阶段。 他想死在恒河两岸,再次与加达利见面。 在此旅程中,他由罗马尼亚管家达娜(Dana)陪伴。 生命归功于这两个孤独的人。 这次旅程将成为回报的证明。 印度的夜幕降临是一部充满生命的闪亮电影,它以旅行为借口讲一个关于爱情和时间流逝,关于现在的重要性以及恢复失去的时间的需要的故事。 一个故事,其中旅程本身与到达同等重要。
Night Falls in India tells the story of Ricardo (Juan Diego) and Dana (Clara Voda). Ricardo decides to travel overland to India, as he used to do in the old days, when he brought hippies to the East with his van, crossing Europe, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. But the situation is very different now. Ricardo has been in a wheelchair for the last ten years, suffering from a degenerative disease now in its final stage. He wants to die on the banks of the Ganges River and meet Gadhali again. In this journey, he is accompanied by Dana, his Rumanian housekeeper. Life owes something to these two lonely beings. The journey will become the alibi for paying it off. Night Falls in India is a shining road-movie full of life that uses journey as an excuse to tell a story about love and the passing of time, about the importance of the present and the need to recover lost time; a story in which the journey itself is as important as the arrival.