十三岁的鲁西·卡迈克尔和她的母亲|丽塔跷跷板在贫穷的边缘|尽管丽塔工作多个工作。当他们的房东踢他们| Rita
当钱用完,他们的汽车坏了|他们发现自己滞留在一个名为Fat River的小镇,他们的运气终于转过。丽塔着陆
稳定的就餐服务在当地的晚餐。有足够的钱支付他们的账单|他们租房子,Fat River成为他们第一个称之为家的地方。彼得·帕姆|一个
变性女服务员|成为鲁西最亲密的朋友。 Arlene |无废头女服务员|让丽塔在她的翅膀下。镇上的人变成鲁西和丽塔的
命运变化。 ... ...
Thirteen-year-old Ruthie Carmichael and her mother| Rita teeter on the edge of poverty| despite Rita working multiple jobs. When their landlord kicks them out| Rita
uses her looks to instantly reel in a boyfriend| who takes them in. Before long| Ruthie convinces her mother to leave and they head East in search of a better life.
When money runs out and their car breaks down| they find themselves stranded in a small town called Fat River where their luck finally takes a turn. Rita lands a
steady job waitressing at the local diner. With enough money to pay their bills| they rent a house and Fat River becomes the first place they call home. Peter Pam| a
transgender waitress| becomes Ruthie's closest friend. Arlene| the no-nonsense head waitress| takes Rita under her wing. The townspeople become Ruthie and Rita's
family. Into this quirky utopia comes smooth-talking mortgage broker Vick Ward| who entices Rita with a subprime loan. Almost as soon as Rita buys a house their
fortunes change. ...