- A woman who believes her missing husband is in prison in Hawaii on a murder charge travels there to see if it actually is him. However he escapes before she sees him when he hears that his current girlfriend has been murdered. The wife searches the slum area of Honolulu known as Hell's Half Acre for him he searches for his girlfriend's killer and his gangland associates are...2022-06-30
- 首先是一个B级film noir。地点设定在夏威夷,所以整部电影atmosphere十分exotic。高潮警方化装在旅馆(如果没记错的话...)袭击的sequence拍得不错,屋内屋外交叉剪辑,两个canted fr2022-06-30
ame,以及几组警方人员的特写cutting。Innovative的一面是大量运用亚裔演员且他们奉献了非常精彩的表演,这也是在classic hollywood cinema比较罕见的... - 不太黑色,也许因为是夏威夷基调很休闲吧,情节处理很好很舒服。之前看河街99号时没看出女主在乱世佳人中演妹妹。2022-06-30
- 很不错的异域风奇情片,忧郁浪漫又带着B片专属的浮夸和实诚。摄影大赞。男女主的关系处理得很清新不狗血。前半某些部分,尤其女主和的姐去玩的段落,是专门拍来给夏威夷旅游打广告的吗。2022-06-30