- 状态:
- 发行日期:2007
- 地区:美国
- 主演:Leroy 'Nicky' Barnes
- 导演:Marc Levin
- 类别:纪录片,犯罪

哈利姆的臭名昭着的尼克·巴恩斯,一个垃圾的转变了百万富翁的药物主,真实的故事。 UNTOUCHABLE将其观众深入到20世纪70年代的海洛因行业。 作为纽约市历史上最强大的黑药主角,巴恩斯来自谦卑的起点,使自己和他的同伙们超越了他们最疯狂的梦想,最终在1977年达到国家臭名昭着的时候,纽约时报把他放在他们的杂志封面上 标题“Untouchable先生”。 不久之后,这一切都崩溃了,面对一个没有假释的无期徒刑,Barnes开始命名。 凭借“黑人教父”自己的第一手证词,这部纪录片讲述了一个关于商业,过剩,贪婪和报复的史诗故事。 由Magnolia Films写
The true-life story of a Harlem's notorious Nicky Barnes, a junkie turned multimillionaire drug-lord, MR. UNTOUCHABLE takes its audience deep inside the heroin industry of the 1970s. The most powerful black drug kingpin in New York City history, Barnes came from humble beginnings to make himself and his comrades rich beyond their wildest dreams, ultimately reaching national infamy in 1977 when the New York Times put him on the front cover of their magazine with the headline "Mr. Untouchable". Soon after, it all came crumbling down, and facing a life sentence without parole, Barnes started naming names. With the first hand testimony from "the black Godfather" himself, this documentary tells an epic story of business, excess, greed and revenge. Written by Magnolia Films