- 状态:高清版
- 发行日期:2013
- 地区:美国
- 主演:
- 导演:Patnaik R.P.
- 类别:恐怖

随着透视|额外的感官知觉|艾米开始见证在异象她整个Amish村开始陷入恶魔的精神力量控制。一种不祥的殡仪馆馆长克里斯托弗| |使用艾米的特殊能力来寻找后面藏有隐蔽的领袖。艾米和克里斯托弗必须停下来魔鬼占据了艾米的灵魂,迫使他们进行有争议的驱魔之前他们的村落。
With the psychic power of clairvoyance| an extra-sensory perception| Amy starts witnessing haunting visions as her entire Amish village begins to fall into demonic
control. An ominous funeral director| Christopher| uses Amy's special abilities to seek out the covert leader behind the possession. Amy and Christopher must stop
the fall of their village before the Devil takes over Amy's soul-forcing them to perform a controversial exorcism.