- 状态:
- 发行日期:2016
- 地区:美国
- 主演:Chris Harris
- 导演:J.F. Musial Josh Vietze
- 类别:纪录片

“APEX:超级跑车的故事”吸引了一批新的异国运动车,其设计时间从零到200英里每小时。 火箭科学与澳大利亚工业相关,“APEX”遵循从设计工作室和研发实验室开始的线程,其中创建了“街头战机”| 并导致在德国的一个危险的跑道,司机可以达到新的速度和表现的高度 - 如果他们敢。 相等的人类戏剧和速度| “APEX”遵循Swedishentrepreneur Christian von Koenigsegg | 一个终身跑车爱好者个人追求建立一个“大型”车,黄金比例抵制所有对ahypercar的速度和力量的期望| 同时在世界舞台上争夺空中赛车运动的最大名字。 凭借顶尖的工程师和设计师的洞察力|“APEX”在保时捷顶级秘密开发设施上拉开帷幕| 法拉利| 迈凯轮和帕加尼| 令人惊叹的超级跑车被想象和建造!
"APEX: The Story of the Hypercar" spotlights a new class of exotic sports cars designed to blast from zero to 200 miles per hour in seconds. Rocket science meets the auto industry as "APEX" follows a thread that starts in the design studios and R&D labs where these "fighter jets of the street" are created, and leads to a perilous racetrack in Germany where drivers can reach new heights of speed and performance -- if they dare. Equal parts human drama and speed, "APEX" follows Swedish entrepreneur Christian von Koenigsegg, a lifelong sports car enthusiast on a personal quest to build a "mega" car whose golden ratio defies all expectations for a hypercar's velocity and power, while competing against the biggest names in motorsports for space on the world stage. With insights from top engineers and designers, "APEX" pulls back the curtain on the top-secret development facilities at Porsche, Ferrari, McLaren and Pagani, where awe-inspiring hypercars are imagined and built, and puts you .