- 状态:
- 发行日期:2013
- 地区:波兰
- 主演:
- 导演:Miguel Gaudêncio
- 类别:纪录片

第一个波兰纪录片关于美容和自我感觉的问题。 它遵循四个人的蜿蜒的旅程,谁转向整形手术作为最后一个排序在寻求完美。 除了明显的困境| 美丽的欲望解决了许多隐藏的问题| 并揭示了电影的英雄们都不期望的事情。 这部电影的制作吸引了许多着名的波兰社会场景成员| 并在全国各个领域的顶尖专家 - 从心理学到时装业 - 的专业意见中找到了坚实的支持。 然而| 更重要的是 这部电影将在一个惊人的情感之旅| 并引发一场关于人类最不可满足的欲望的讨论浪潮...
The first ever Polish documentary on the issues of beauty and self-perception. It follows the winding journeys of four people who turn to plastic surgery as the lastresort in their search for perfection. Aside from the obvious dilemmas| Desire for Beauty addresses numerous hidden questions| and reveals things that neither themakers nor the heroes of the film really expected. The making of the film attracted a number of renowned members of Polish social scene| and found solid support inthe professional opinions of the country's top experts in various fields - from psychology to the fashion industry. However| more importantly| the film will take itsspectators on a breathtaking emotional ride| and trigger a wave of discussion about one of humankind's most unquenchable desires...