- After learning his girlfriend Kim (Taylor) is cheating on him an under-grad college student Trips (Rudd) sends a breakup letter to her with a fake used condom and a topless picture of him and his stripper friend Ivy (Witherspoon). After learning he was wrong he tries to stop the letter. He has to face a hostage situation a psychotic delivery man and many miles to dri...2022-05-10
- 很搞笑,很恶搞,女友要保持贞操到结婚,不愿给男主,后分开两地上大学,男友得知自己被绿后,和朋友去酒吧,偶遇脱衣舞女的女主,和朋友起了冲突,后来和男主称为朋友,得知男主被绿,随机出一损招,写极端下流无耻的分手信,附上男女主的裸照,并加上含有痰液的安全套给男主女朋友寄过去,第二天,女主留言说瑞克是条狗,男主心慌慌,一激灵爬起来,大脑一片空白,立刻找女主商量对策,女主先是去快递物流中心,差了几秒,然后做...2022-05-10
- 电视上看的,那个杀手是不是电锯?2022-05-10
- 土土土土土 讨厌这电影 不过忍着看完了2022-05-10
- 刚看完,没想到两位还演过如此早期的白喜剧!2022-05-10