- 状态:
- 发行日期:2015
- 地区:英国,加拿大,印度,印度尼西亚,尼泊尔,坦桑尼亚,美国,越南
- 主演:林赛·伊丽莎白 Janine Benyus Ronald Garan Joan Halifax Paul Hawken The 17th Karmapa David Loy Joanna Macey Bill McKibben Subonfu Some
- 导演:Guy Reid
- 类别:纪录片,历史

我们正处在一个全球性的危机中。我们忘记了一切都相关的不可否认的真理。 PLANETARY是一个挑衅和惊人的唤醒电话,跨大陆,电影之旅,探索我们的宇宙起源和我们的未来作为一种物种。 PLANETARY是一个诗意和谦卑的提醒,是时候改变我们的观点。 PLANETARY要求我们重新思考我们是谁,重新考虑我们与自己,彼此和我们周围的世界的关系 - 记住:我们是PLANETARY。在一个令人惊叹的视觉探索,影片交织的图像从美国航空航天局阿波罗任务的想象的银河系,喜马拉雅山的佛教寺院,以及东京和曼哈顿市中心的喧闹声,与着名专家,包括宇航员Ron Garan和Mae Jemison (第一个非洲裔美国女人在空间),庆祝环境学家比尔McKibben,国家图书奖得主巴里·洛佩兹,人类学家韦德·戴维斯,国家地理探险家伊丽莎白·林赛,和藏族佛教噶举学校的负责人,第17噶玛帕。他们揭示了我们的世界观深刻影响我们星球上生活的方式。
We are in the midst of a global crisis of perspective. We have forgotten the undeniable truth that everything is connected. PLANETARY is a provocative and breathtaking wakeup call, a cross continental, cinematic journey, that explores our cosmic origins and our future as a species. PLANETARY is a poetic and humbling reminder that it's time to shift our perspective. PLANETARY asks us to rethink who we really are, to reconsider our relationship with ourselves, each other and the world around us - to remember that: we are PLANETARY. In a stunning visual exploration, the film interweaves imagery from NASA Apollo missions with visions of the Milky Way, Buddhist monasteries in the Himalayas, and the cacophonous sounds of downtown Tokyo and Manhattan, with intimate interviews from renowned experts including astronauts Ron Garan and Mae Jemison (the first African American woman in space), celebrated environmentalist Bill McKibben, National Book Award winner Barry Lopez, anthropologist Wade Davis, to National Geographic Explorer Elizabeth Lindsey, and Head of the Tibetan Buddhist Kagyu school, the 17th Karmapa. They shed new light on the ways our worldview is profoundly affecting life on our planet.