六名防暴警察在马德里市中心进行驱逐,但出事了,一个人丧生。 一个内部事务小组的任务是调查事实,六名防暴警察被指控犯有过失杀人罪。 该小队着手寻找自己的出路,导致他们分开,最后使局势更加复杂。 内部事务团队之一莱娅(Laia)迷上了案子,最终发现,在命运驱逐的背后,还有很多东西让人目不暇接。
Six riot police proceed with an eviction in the centre of Madrid, but things go wrong and a man loses his life. An Internal Affairs team is given the task of investigating the facts and the six riot police are accused of manslaughter. The squad set about trying to find their own way out, leading to their separation and, finally, complicating the situation even more. Laia, one of the Internal Affairs team, becomes obsessed with the case and ends up discovering that, behind the fateful eviction, there’s a lot more than meets the eye.