- 大家评价辣么残,哈哈哈,不过这个原著作者本身就是新西兰国宝级魔幻儿童文学巨匠,在新西兰人民眼里可能就是个同年回忆,这么拍出来看还真是挺奇怪的2022-04-13
- ba2022-04-13
sed on the Carnegie Medal winning novel by Margeret Mahy. Sixteen year-old Laura Chant lives with her mother and four-year-old brother Jacko in a poor new suburb on the edge of a partially demolished Christchurch New Zealand. Laura is drawn into a supernatural battle with an ancient spirit who attacks Jacko and slowly drains the life out of him as the spirit becomes ever you... - 风格很独特,挺不错2022-04-13
- 中二之作 坏巫师打太极练气功再减一星2022-04-13
- 编剧脑残,故事弱智,女主男主演技智商都不在线。2022-04-13