- 美日合拍的日式俠義片 反正就是美國視角的套路 但也是80年代後 三船 宮口 稻業 七武士其中三人的再聚首的作品 還有Jerry Goldsmith 的配樂總是讓人印像深刻2022-08-07
- 美片看得不多,几场打戏不错2022-08-07
- Rick a down-and-out American boxer is hired to transport a sword to Japan unaware that the whole thing is a set up in a bitter blood-feud between two brothers one who follows the traditional path of the samurai and the other a businessman. At the behest of the businessman Rick undertakes samurai training from the other brother but joins his cause. He also becomes romantic...2022-08-07
- 汤哥拍的《最后的武士》,是翻炒这部片的吗??? 都一个套路。2022-08-07
- BSC™109fl,基本上是美式审美,最后一场打戏还是不错的。2022-08-07