- 状态:高清版
- 发行日期:2012
- 地区:罗马尼亚
- 主演:阿德里安·蒂蒂耶尼 Gheorghe Ifrim 伊万娜·弗洛拉
- 导演:阿德里安·希塔鲁
- 类别:喜剧
奇妙的超现实,痛苦的真实,这是孩子,成人和动物生活在一起试图有更好的生活,但有时死亡意外出现的故事。 三个人物的生活包围着一堆非凡的,有趣的,荒谬的但相当真实的事件。 它是关于我们,人们吃他们爱的动物和无条件地爱人的动物。
Wonderfully surreal, painfully real, this is the story of children, adults and animals who live together trying to have a better life, but sometimes death comes unexpectedly. The lives of three characters surrounded by a bunch of extraordinary, funny, absurd but quite realistic events. It is all about us, people who eat the animals that they love and the animals that love people unconditionally.