- 状态:高清版
- 发行日期:2016
- 地区:荷兰,比利时,卢森堡
- 主演:扬容·斯皮森伯格 Lize Feryn Roeland Fernhout
- 导演:鲁道夫·范登贝尔赫
- 类别:剧情

年轻有为的Han van Meegeren在1920年初的阿姆斯特丹艺术界的反叛。因为他以偶像伦勃朗和维梅尔的风格作画,评论家认为他的作品老套,他们称他为模仿者。为了证明一点,他制作了一个假的维梅尔,并试图把它作为一个真正的。它的工作原理。相反,揭露真相,从而尴尬的艺术世界,他继续赚钱,他的许多伪造的。很快,他陷入了谎言和欺骗的网中,他的生活失去了控制。然后有一天,高级纳粹赫尔曼Gö环敲他的门,找维梅尔为他的私人收藏…Rinkel Film写的
Young and talented Han van Meegeren is a rebel in the early 1920's Amsterdam art-scene. Because he paints in the style of his idols Rembrandt and Vermeer, critics find his work old-fashioned and they call him a copycat. Just to prove a point, he produces a fake Vermeer and tries to pass it off as a real one. It works. Instead of revealing the truth and thereby embarrassing the art world, he continues to make money off of his many forgeries. Soon he is caught in a web of lies and deceit, and his life spins out of control. Then one day, high ranking Nazi Hermann Göring knocks on his door, looking for a Vermeer for his private collection... Written by Rinkel Film