
公平的皮肤,红红的嘴唇,大乳房和一个薄的腰围以及一个大屁股; In-hae曾经有男人吃完她的手与完美的外观和惊人的技术。 有一天,她与昂贵的金发,蓝色的眼睛和长长的胳膊和腿与Ahn-hyeop。 她来自乌克兰,吸引了所有人的注意。 In-hae对她的表情感到不安。 她试图以更诱人的方法吸引男人回来。
The widow of our village versus a Ukrainian bride!
A competition is held to see who is tastier!Fair skin, red lips, big breasts and a thin waistline as well as a big butt; In-hae used to have men eating out of her hands with perfect looks and amazing techniques. One day, she is rivaled by Ahn-hyeop with bouncy blonde hair, blue eyes and long arms and legs. She’s from Ukraine and draws the attention of all the men. In-hae is upset at her appearance. She attempts to attract the men back with a more seductive method.