- 状态:高清版
- 发行日期:1998
- 地区:英国/巴基斯坦
- 主演:Christopher Lee James Fox Maria Aitken Shashi Kapoor Richard Lintern
- 导演:贾米勒·德拉维
- 类别:剧情,传记,战争

Mohammed Ali Jinnah传记| 现代巴基斯坦的创始人被告知通过回火,因为他的灵魂试图找到永恒的休息。 闪回从1947年开始
金纳请求一个单独的国家从穆斯林政权| 愤怒的Lord Mountbatten。 然后,Mountbatten试图招募甘地和尼赫鲁说服Jinnah停下来
他的努力。 甘地方与Jinnah | 这打乱了尼赫鲁。 然而| Jinnah拒绝成为总理的提议,电影再次幻灯片回来
1916 | 这揭示了所有已经发生的政治影响。
Biography of Mohammed Ali Jinnah| the founder of modern Pakistan is told through flashbacks as his soul tries to find eternal rest. The flashbacks start in 1947 as
Jinnah pleads for a separate nation from the Muslim regime| infuriating Lord Mountbatten. Mountbatten then tries to enlist Gandhi & Nehru to persuade Jinnah to stophis efforts. Gandhi sides with Jinnah| which upsets Nehru. However| Jinnah turns down the offer to become prime minister and the film takes another slide back to
1916| which reveals all of the political implications that have occurred.