- 状态:高清版
- 发行日期:1969
- 地区:加拿大
- 主演:Ronald Mlodzik Jack Messinger
- 导演:大卫·柯南伯格
- 类别:科幻

直传 大卫 柯南伯格早期实验电影,画面美到一个极致。
有时在未来| 加拿大色情调查研究所正在调查心理学家Luther Stringfellow的理论。 七个年轻成年人志愿
提交一种形式的脑外科手术,去除他们的言语力量,但增加他们的心理传播通信的力量。 一群看不见的学生观察
结果。 随着实验的进展| Stringfellow的理论来实现。 后来| 春药和各种其他药物引入受试者
暴露固有的多形变态。 到底! 他们彼此隔离| 激发他们之间的对抗和暴力| 其导致两种自杀。
to submit to a form of brain surgery that removes their power of speech but increases their power for telepathic communication. An unseen group of students observes
the results. As the experiment progresses| Stringfellow's theories come to fruition. Later| aphrodisiacs and various other drugs are introduced to the subjects to
expose an inherent polymorphous perversity. In the end| they are isolated from each other| provoking antagonism and violence between them| which results in two suicides.