- 状态:高清版
- 发行日期:2017
- 地区:美国
- 主演:肯尼·约翰逊 凯恩·霍德尔 明迪·罗宾逊 泰勒·梅恩 威廉·弗西斯 比尔·戈德博格 弗雷德·威廉森 林立雯 斯蒂芬·杰弗里斯 Ricky Harris Krista Grotte Mel Novak Thomas J. Churchill Olga Safari 约翰·刘易斯
- 导演:托马斯·丘吉尔
- 类别:动作,惊悚

港口城市北卡罗来纳州:在例行露营期间,一个当地的流浪者发现在美国入侵的计划。 当他试图通知当地警长关于他的发现,警长驳回他的声称,他锁定了游荡。 当警长注意到与其他城镇民众的奇怪的互动时,他开始研究无家可归者对在这个小镇内的当地人生活的睡眠细胞的要求。 在斩首的证据暴露后,其他人开始担心叛乱分子袭击家乡美国。 问题和脾气开始上升。 为什么这个小海滩社区与它的诺曼·洛克威尔的生活方式? 一个人人都相识的城镇...或者他们想。 当真理是盲目的,正义似乎失去了,它会采取一个由五个不可能的英雄军队捆在一起渗透叛乱分子,挫败他们的入侵计划。 战争是地狱和地狱回到检查点。 作者:Thomas J. Churchill
Port City North Carolina: During a routine camp out, a local vagrant discovers plans for an invasion in America. When he tries to notify the local Sheriff about his discovery, the Sheriff dismisses his claims and has him locked up for loitering. When the Sheriff notices odd interactions with other towns folk he begins to look into the vagrants' claim of a sleeper cell living amongst the locals within this small town. After evidence of a beheading is exposed, others begin to fear that the insurgents attack on hometown USA. Questions and tempers begin to rise. Why this little beach community with it's Norman Rockwell way of life? A town where everyone knows one another... or so they thought. When the truth is blind and justice seems lost, It will take an army of five unlikely heroes banding together to infiltrate the insurgents and foil their invasion plans. War is Hell and Hell comes home at the Check Point. Written by Thomas J. Churchill