Bela Kiss
- 状态:高清版
- 发行日期:2013
- 地区:德国
- 主演:Kristina Klebe Rudolf Martin Fabian Stumm
- 导演:Lucien Förstner
- 类别:惊悚,恐怖

一个真实的故事| 贝拉亲吻是最残酷的连环杀手之一| 在第一次世界大战开始时杀害了23名年轻妇女。 血液排泄物在金属桶中发现 保存在酒精中。 根据谣言| 他仍然看到几十年后| 在世界的不同地区。 他从来没有被发现,所以这个人的下落未知| 即使在今天。 几乎一个世纪后| 五个银行抢劫者寻找一个遥远的酒店的隐藏| 因为他们逃离警察。 残酷和不可预见的事件取代了过去,并建立了过去的桥梁。 假定安全的房子变成了一个噩梦...贝拉亲吻还活着吗?
A true story| Bela Kiss was one of the the most brutal serial killers| who killed 23 young women during the beginning of the first World War. The blood-drainedbodies were found in metal barrels| conserved in alcohol. According to rumors| he was still seen decades later| in different parts of the world. He never was foundand so the whereabouts of this man are unknown| even today. Almost a century later| five bank robbers search for a hideaway in a remote hotel| as they flee from thepolice. Brutal and unforeseen events take overhand and build a bridge to the past. The assumed safe house turns into a nightmare... is Bela Kiss still alive?